There’s nothing like a week’s vacation to help you hit the refresh button. La Dolce Vita, or The Sweet Life, is a phrase that, to me, describes the Italian mindset. Italians treasure all of the simple things that make life beautiful – food, family, friends, music, nature, etc. This approach is in perfect harmony with my mission to create a simple, beautiful life.
On the plane ride back from Italy, I spent some time reflecting and jotted down some take-away thoughts. Here are a few “homework” items to get me back on track, treating every day with the respect it deserves:
1) Fresh ingredients. I have veered into some dangerous culinary territory during this pregnancy (shortcuts – I’m tired!), and it is time to tighten up and get back to the good stuff. Cooking with fresh herbs, using oil & vinegar instead of packaged salad dressing, enjoying anything in moderation, you get the picture. Planting a huge herb garden in a beautiful container is on my list!

2) Acqua Frizzante. I am a big fan of water “with gas” and drank the stuff morning, noon, and night on our trip. I don’t think I had flat water the entire time I was in Rome. I love the idea of keeping a carafe in the fridge at all times. I also love the idea of not having to buy cases of La Croix every time I go to the grocery store. So I think that a Soda Stream might be in my future. When is Mother’s Day, again?

3) Getting dressed – for me. I know this sounds ridiculous…but since I have become a mom, and most of my work is done from the comfort of my home, it is WAY too easy to wear what I like to refer to as my “weekend clothes”. Which really means pajamas/workout clothes. Our trip reminded me how nice it is to dress every morning and put on a little lipstick, some tinted moisturizer. Brush the hair. Just the basics – but super important. And to help me pull off the look I will count on my old pal Beautycounter to create a “flawless face”.

Wish me luck!